
Friday, September 5, 2014


Well, it's been a while.

The past few weeks have been incredibly and insanely and overwhelmingly busy, and pulling up this little blog and scratching out some words was pretty low on the priority list. Way down there beneath try to keep my home somewhat cleaned, keeping food in the house and meals on the table, cleaning up after our new little puppy who still hasn't totally nailed the go-potty-outside thing, preparing dinner for a hundred and fifty people for Ben's work, and running the peach stand six days a week. I'm not complaining about any of these things (except maybe the puppy potty thing), but putting them all together in the space of a week was just a lot.

But things are settling down to a semblance of normal now, and I feel very grateful for that. Our peach business closed it's doors about a week ago, and while I really did have such a super fun time working that little stand, I was ready for a break. And honestly, I'm tired of peaches. I guess eating something almost daily for two months will bring you to a point where you've suddenly just had enough. I still have a few lingering in my fridge, but now that it's September, I just want apples and pumpkin and warm spices! We bought our first gallon of apple cider from the apple mill in town a few days ago, and it was so delicious and refreshing.

Ben and I took ourselves for a day out last Saturday to celebrate the end of our peach season, and just to take some much needed weekend rest time to relax and do something fun. We had lunch and did some shopping and caught this adorable movie at the quaintest old-school theater in the downtown Rochester where we were pretty much the only ones under fifty years old in the room. It was like the kind of place that you imagined all these older people actually came to back when they were youth to catch a Friday night movie, and now they were still coming to the same theater years later. Plus, the tickets were only six dollars, which was such a pleasant surprise.

The rest of this week was mostly doing catch-up on yard work and cleaning out the garage and spending time with friends on the deck on Labor Day and starting a new job at a local cafe/coffee shop and still trying to get my house back in order.

I've mentioned that we got a puppy a few weeks ago, and that has been an interesting challenge for sure. I really had no idea how high maintenance a puppy can be, and just assumed they wanted to behave perfectly all the time and make you happy and never whine and bark or pee in the house. She's learning, but it feels like slow progress at times. She is funniest and cutest little thing, and we do enjoy having her around and laugh at her a lot. She doesn't get an over-abundance of personal affection from me (besides a nice little pat on the head and a "good dog" every once in a while), but Ben provides her with all the love and play-time and belly rubs that she needs. I like dogs and I really like this little one...I just don't loooooooove them, if you know what I mean.

So that's a little nutshell of our past few weeks. It was good to pull up the blog again, and hopefully it won't be quite as sporadic as it's been lately.

Have a great weekend!

What about you: what have you been up to lately?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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