
Monday, August 11, 2014


The only appropriate thing to call the last few days is a workcation, a perfect blend of work and vacation.

My family came in on Wednesday morning, and we had a great time over the next few days being together. Since we run the peach stand six days a week, we had to put together our family time and work, and it managed to work out pretty well! It was actually really fun for me to have some company for the days at work, and it makes the day fly right by. We did hire in a friend to work for us on Thursday, so I guess that was our official vacation day. We used it up by canning some pickles in the morning, and catching lunch and shopping in the afternoon. Such fun!

It's a common thread any more that whenever my family comes to visit, there is some sort of surprise waiting to happen. The last time my parent came, my sister managed to sneak up without me figuring it out, and this time they brought my sweet little cousin (although she is more like my niece) with them. And from now on, I will just be surprised if they don't bring a surprise, hehe.

Besides the day off on Thursday, we sold peaches together all weekend long. It was a doozy and by Saturday night, I didn't want to see another peach for a long time...or at least until Monday. One of the little towns near us hosted an official Nascar race over the weekend, so we set up a little peach stand there to catch the race fans. Interesting crowd, to say the least. I saw more pick up trucks and beer and heard more country music blaring from passing cars in one day than I have in the past year here in New York. I felt like I was back in a little southern town.

My family headed for home early Sunday morning, and we spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep and resting ourselves from our slightly crazy weekend. Fun times, indeed, but exhausting!

Some links:

- Anyone try this before?

- Yes, ha!


- Get out...

- Good word for wifeys.

- Why did I never know this before?!

- This looks so good.

- And this!

- Such a neat idea.

- And a song.

Have a great week!

What about you: what did you do over the weekend?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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